Τρίτη 20 Μαΐου 2008


They was know very ancient Super tecnology who was lost in HEL(Lin) Antlantian War.
This war hapen when The Gods(Humanoid nefelim) was exile from God to star Sirios
and eventualy become 2 Alliance the EL and Antlantian.
The Antlantian Empire has suport from the Narhben(The angels demons) and loosing the battle against the El Alliance..but the El alliance make a ''mistake''they try to destroy also the Nefelims and avenge for the Ancestors.Then the Antlantic-Demon Alliance(Demons want to protect the Nefelims) start a nuclear warfare and the El Alliance answer with earthquake weapons and all the Earth collapse and the X Axis of Earth relocate to todays know position and the colony of Erytrea(RED)or Mars was collapse

Ancient building on Mars

Ancient Spaceships

In this video you will see the Nukes have landed

Epsilon Team

Epsilon team is an antizionist and anti Narhben(Demons name)
team who chronologically exist at least of the days of Pythagoras.
They are the keepers of ancient super weapons and knowledge of Hellin Antlantic pre war civilization
Once the used in the Greece Persian Wars when Persian invade the Oracle of Delphi's Lazer like weapons show up and 2 Soldiers with very ''strange'' Armors and Insignia bring the Havoc against the Persian army who try to raid the oracle.

In today Epsilon team Actions are not sure the ''expose'' them selfs as a last ditch of defense in a battle(Against the Zion) constantly lose and hope the ''simple'' human try to recognize what happens and the hope to find new recruits.

In this video is the Roswell's Crash of UFO but the ship it was not an Alien Origin as try to support to cover it.It was a Team Epsilon Craft the name of the plate writes ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ who in Greek language mean Freedom

Photos of Nefelim

What is nefelim

Nefelim according to ancient text books of Holy bible and ancient mythology refers to the union of Sky and Earth or The light servant of God the Eloxim and the humans females.
This creature Half Eloxim and Half Human was unmatched against normal humans and eventually become the supreme power on earth they take many names Titans or Giant and Gods.

They was eating so much that decide to eat Humans also and a very dark age come in humanity starts!So God decide to sent the Arcangel Michael to start a civil war.
Eventually become a civil fight between them the Gods(or the humanoid Nefelims) have win this battle and prison the remain forces of the Titans (Monsters Nefelim)in the Tartara on the Hollow earth.